0 Min BACK

254 д назад
Спасибо Жалоба Для РКН

The benefits of exercise: – Reduces pain and discomfort in the upper back and inter-scapular area. – Reduces stiffness and tension in the back muscles, which is especially helpful for individuals who sit or stand for long periods of time. – Reduces back pain and discomfort. – Improves spinal flexibility and mobility. – Improves posture and reduces slouching. – Reduces stress and tension. – Decreases headaches. – Increases circulation and blood flow to upper body muscles and tissues. ❌ We recommend that you consult a doctor before exercising if you have any chronic medical conditions. 00:00 - Intro 00:17 - Swing Arms 00:47 - Elbow Back Squeeze 01:17 - Shoulder Circles 01:47 - Raising Arms Overhead 02:17 - Chicken Wing Elbows Open 02:47 - Single Arm Side Bends 03:17 - Raising Crossed Arms Overhead 03:47 - Arms Crossed Behind Back 04:17 - Rotation Arms with Scapular Retraction 04:47 - Neck Flexion with Hands Behind Head 05:17 - Spine Traction Exercise 05:47 - Opening + Crossing Arms 06:17 - Chest Opener with Bent Arms 06:47 - Horizontal Row + Arm Extension 07:17 - Horizontal Arm Extension 07:47 - Shoulders & Chest Stretch

#fitness #workout

kevin3 251 д назад

Прекрасное напоминание о важности природы в нашей жизни. 45 60

Antonia22 252 д назад

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